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Company Overview

DynaVap is a Wisconsin-based company that was founded by Eric Olson in 2015. They began selling what’s now known as the original VapCap. It’s a cigarette-sized vaporizer that has a glass tube, condenser, and temperature-indicating cap. It does not need any electronics or batteries to work and you’ll just need a butane torch lighter or any heat source to heat it up.

Since its creation, DynaVap has offered more than a dozen varieties of VapCaps using different high-quality materials as well as releasing various accessories that can be useful on any occasion. The most notable VapCap is the “M” which is one of the simplest and user-friendly devices that produce decent vapor quality.

The first DynaVap “M” was released in 2016 and every year it receives an upgrade and offers more features than before. The DynaVap 2020 “M” is the first VapCap that has an adjustable bowl, chiral air-ports to adjust the airflow, and a tapered mouthpiece that fits with a 10mm water pipe.

They also release the DynaVap OmniVap which is made of titanium that’s deemed to be indestructible. It heats up fast and features an Omni System that allows users to regulate the airflow. Both the “M” and the Omnivap are highly customizable and durable that could last for a lifetime.


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